Accountability is used broadly these days. Often Accountability is used as a substitute for "responsibility" - which isn't entirely wrong... but Accountability is so so so much more.
Accountable (adj) {a person} required or expected to justify actions or de
cisions; responsible.
Responsible (adj) having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role.
Accountability is an aggregate of Responsibilities, meaning: You CAN have Responsibility without Accountability - You CAN NOT have Accountability without Responsibility.
Accountability is
• hard work
• Accountability can not be achieved by someone who does not know themselves wholly, their processes wholly, or their abilities wholly.
• the act of being SEEN, HEARD and UNDERSTOOD.
• Self-reflection
• Awareness and ownership
• Awareness and ownership over your role in a team and / or a specific task
• Awareness and ownership over your word
• Awareness and ownership over followthrough
• Awareness and ownership of what you do and do not have control over
• Awareness and ownership of your personal continuity
• Awareness and ownership of your personal process
* Do you work better solo? Do you work more efficiently in a group? Do you thrive with a deadline? Do you procrastinate or self sabotage? Lean on your teammates or support system to hold you accountable.*
• Awareness and ownership of the expected process
Holding Others Accountable:
You can only hold someone truly accountable WITHOUT the use of SHAME or JUDGEMENT. Feedback stemming from shame or judgement are not productive, actionable o
r constructive.
• Accountability is established in a task, goal, relationship etc before hand
• Blame / Shame / Judgement are mechanisms established after the fact.
• Accountability Example: Holding your elected official accountable to a campaign promise: "You are not doing your job in the following ways"
• Blame/Shame/Judgement Example: Blame/Shaming/Judging your elected official for not fulfilling a campaign promise "You suck at your job, idiot, this is your fault"
a great way to hold others accountable without "confrontation" is to praise them when they are fulfilling their role.
Shame, blame and Accountability
• Shame is a physiological AFFECT- a response to an outside stimulus. The response is disassociation, self focus and leads to a performative expression of excuse and apology.
• The affects in your life are on a spectrum. One side brings you towards something (goals etcs) while the other side pushes you away from something:
Affects pulling you towards something are: Joy, Love, Affection, Accomplishment etc.
Affects pushing you away from something are: fear, anger, ill will, imposter syndrome etc.
Shame is right in the middle of the spectrum- both pulling and pushing you all while forcing you to look inward, become self focused and unable to be truly accountable; you are more likely to use blame, excuses, performative apology and get nothing done.
Why Perfectionism is based in shame and not Accountability.
Shame is based in "victim"thinking. If things are not perfect, I am to bla
me, others will blame me, it is my fault etc. Those are SELF FOCUSED excuses. Not accountability.
Accountability is taking control of Shame.
Both in terms of being held accountable and holding others accountable. you can control, avoid and mend a shame spiral by Seeing, Hearing and Understanding yourself or those you are holding accountable.
Steps to Achieving Accountability • Set aside pride and ego.
• Be honest with yourself and with your team about your capabilities
• Do you truly understand the task?
• Do you truly understand your role?
Tips and Tricks
• Set yourself up for wins!
• Don’t over commit to a project
• Don’t over commit to a team mate
• Establish boundaries for yourself
Excuses Vs. Reason
• Excuse - (verb) an attempt to lessen the blame attaching to (a fault or offense); seek to defend or justify.
• Reason- (noun) a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event
Actionable Change
• Do not simply apologize - change your behavior
• Apologizing is important but solves nothing. You must also change your behavior. (its like receiving a note from a director.)
Resources: Brené Brown - Blame
Brené Brown - Unlocking Us: Shame and Accountability
Check Yourself - Accountability | Charlie Johnson | TEDxNormal
x Bird
And just to reshare the link to the blog that referenced the Pots Story (below). Perhaps one day I'll read the actual book it's from!