I, Erin Gigl, will have accomplished
- A flyer/webpage offering 'customs' options for my clothing
-Speak to the gallery on Broadway, at least 4 bookshops, and the 9th street fair about a pop-up/presentation
-Finish the series of socks and ruffle skirt
-Put new pieces on site!
-Finish 5 more jean pieces for collaboration with Customland
-Go Print collection of images to work with
- transfer images and cut wood pieces into frames and hangers
-Create at least one 'window" pillow
-Speak to print shop and possibly start using print shop to print book if there are availabilities*
- Continue drawing series, at least 3 hours of drawing
-Studio visit with Ari
-Take time to research values/ commodity for articles/ newsletter
By November 27th
- Cutting fabric for six socks
- Speak to print shop // spaces for presentation
- Upload new pieces to website
- Create flyer for "customs"
- Reach out to Ari about studio visit